Well I've been a total disaster at blogging this last year - lets hope that I can maintain a better blog this year! Can you believe its 2009?? Where on earth did 2008 go to?
We've been extremely preoccupied with the business for the past 12 months but we both feel we can let go a little now and take a breath. The kids have really felt the "lack" of parent presense around the place and this is something both of us want to fix this year.
Our eldest has resumed her studies and will be doing her TPC Tertiary Preparation Certificate - this year. We are very proud of her as it takes a lot to return to study once you've left school but she has decided that she wants to be a primary teacher which we fully support.
We are all relaxing around the house at the moment - one is reading the latest craze to hit our house - the Twilight Series, 1 is playing guitar the other listening to music. I like it when they are all relaxed like this, life feels great.
Anyway - I've determined that I need to make some changes to my life in 2009 - will type them up later but one of them is Project 365 - where I will take a photo every day this year, you will find out more later.
next time you're in - can you change my blog link on your page
it is now www.mycreationsblog.wordpress.com
looking forward to keeping up with your blog
Yippee. You're back :-) Will email you when I get a chance (been on holidays).
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