Friday, 8 June 2012

Bird Life - One sick Rooster

It was coming up to the June Long Weekend and I was just finishing up around the place inside when I heard the dogs making a funny noise.  I looked out the kitchen window and could see them playing with something - I knew it was something they shouldn't have and yelled out to Graeme who was outside to go and have a look.

Tegan our youngest was out the door in a flash and of course it had to be her favourite rooster "Spike".  He had a lot of feathers around his neck gone so we think that the dogs disturbed the fox while he was trying to snatch him.

Tegan was distraught, we weren’t much better either, with 3 wet faces peering over him he suddenly moved – he was alive!  We were so happy!  So nurse Tegan set to work and wrapped him up nice and warm.

Over the weekend I called to see how he was doing, at first Graeme held not much hope but by the end he told me he was walking and up and about.  By the time I got home you wouldn’t have known that anything had happened to him, apart from a next without feathers.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Bird Life - Chooks and Guinea Fowl

When we purchased the property the owner left her chooks and guinea fowl here so we have been trying to learn as we go with them.  Unfortunately the foxes have taken most of the guinea fowl and a couple of roosters, mainly when we are out.  If we are home you know if there is a fox around with the guinea fowl - they are fabulous watch dogs.