Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Photos of the farm

Thought I would share with you some photos from around the farm - someone got an iphone for Christmas!  Love the Instagram App!


Monday, 7 November 2011

It's a Boy!

Dorothy gave us our first calf on the place!  He is such a cutie – we’ve called him Zoro! He is never lonely, our 2 young heifers Fifi and Filly are his babysitters, often looking after him most of the day.
Dorothy & Zoro!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Dexter Dealings

So Graeme and I decided to look for some more cows and found some advertised online, we contacted the owner and went out to have a look at them with the plan to only get a 'few'.  Well that was the plan - what happened was a very different story. We ended up with the Dorothy, Elvie, Eloise, Lyndie, Fifi, Filly plus a bull Franklin and his mate the steer.  One girl looks very pregnant and hopefully it won’t be long before we have a beautiful new bubs on the place.  Everyone is making lots of noise settling in and finding their way around.  Of course Bonnie and Olive need to be in charge – very much the Alpha females of the herd.


Tuesday, 5 July 2011

The Dexter Experience - First Cows

Graeme finally joined the local Dexter Promotional Group and met some lovely people.  One of the group have 2 cows up for sale so we are off to pick them up and bring them home.  Bonnie Lass and Olive will be our starting cows. 

Bonnie Lass
