Tuesday, 25 March 2008

What's Happening???

Owning your own business is not all its cracked up to be. I'm exhausted!! The last couple of months have just been a blur - Christmas came and went without a bang - and now Easter has been. I feel like I'm constantly on the back foot and of late have had to make some hard decisions but ones that had to be made. I'm finding my energy level to be at the lowest I think I can ever remember.

We took time off this Easter - well worked the Saturday but took the rest of the days off. I felt we really needed to recharge ourselves. So we spent time cleaning and decluttering the 2 girls rooms, eldest DD was up so she was in the groove throwing things away. It was probably a good thing I was exhausted so there was no fight in me to hang onto anything.

How did we end up with all this stuff?? I've always been a horder and kept things thinking they will fit or suit something later. Having 3 girls I have always passed on clothes from one to the next but now the youngest is 9 there is a stock pile of clothes. So they all got sorted and sent to the Vinnies bin. I look in their rooms and feel better for them - there is space to breath now.

Finally read a book "Odalisque" by Fiona McIntosh which has been sitting around the place for ages, enjoyed it. Wasn't what I was expecting but am now hooked and reading the 2nd book "Emissary".

Looking into more training for myself for the business, I noticed that the NSW Small Business has a Regional Women in Business Program, so am looking into that. Does anyone know anything about it?? I'd love to hear from people who have done it.

Well I guess thats all for now. Time to go and get my classes organised for next week. Hope everyone had a great Easter.
